Equity of the European Educational Systems - A set of indicators

European Group of Research on Equity of the Educational Systems (2015)

Equity of the European Educational Systems. A Set of Indicators is the result of collaboration between six European university teams, and was carried out as part of the Socrates 6.1.2. programme, with the support of the European Commission. The project is intended to measure and compare the equity of the education systems in the European Union Member States. Thanks to it, decision-makers and users will be informed of the equity of the existing systems. This informative tool may help decision-makers to redefine the educational politics. This publication reports on a two-year period work on the issue of the equity of educational systems. It is structured into three main sections: A first part, entitled Devising indicators of equity of educational systems: why and how? defines the concepts of equality and equity, and presents the framework of indicators and its guiding principles. The second part, a set of indicators on the equity of the educational systems, presents the twenty-nine indicators built in the context of this project and organized according to the framework. The third part, The equity of European educational systems. An interpretation of the 29 indicators, presents an analytical interpretation of the equity indicators.